Press Office

Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych, 15.02.2011

High-flying professionals boost Polish progress

The newly launched site spotlights the inspired Polish designers, inventors and savvy entrepreneurs who are pushing forward the frontiers of business, science and artistic expression.
Poland's fast-paced progress is inextricably intertwined with entrepreneurial, forward-thinking individuals, which is the focus of the newly launched

Flying high in the face of adversity, Poland has in recent years become a beacon of progress and new opportunities. During a global economic meltdown, when much of the world has struggled to clamber out of a serious recession, Poland has remained the only European Union member state to stay afloat with positive GDP growth. The country's economic success and growing investment appeal is attributed, to a large extent, to the wealth-creating ingenuity and dynamic vim and vigour of the local workforce.

As investors will attest, young Poles are hard working, highly skilled and endlessly inventive in their own respective fields. As highlights, they innovate and experiment with technology, explore the boundaries of science and push forward the frontiers of artistic expression. To mention just a few - Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki and Piotr Szrek, for example, have rewritten the theory of evolution by unearthing and analyzing 250-million-year old dinosaur footprints in southern Poland. Jacek Wojciechowicz and Michal Kaszuba, are the scientific masterminds behind Poland's first DNA Research Center and Inno-Gene, a company that facilitates the work of promising biotech start-ups. Excellence in design is the third pillar of Janusz Kaniewski, for instance, is a prolific and experimental young designer who has applied his unique streamlined aesthetic to cars, coffee machines and a collection of captivating projects.

As impressive as these individuals are, they are but a few of the dedicated movers and shakers spotlighted in, the game-changers who are opening the door to new areas of success for Poland.